7. Is Your Mind an Enemy or a Friend?
Can you use Stoicism to develop a more supportive inner world?
Belief changes I made in the early stages of a cancer diagnosis.
Facing hardship can help us develop a strong inner world.
Crisis moments offer opportunities for inner transformation.
Our inner world matters more than our external world.
My inner world and outer world are separate.
I can enjoy this time. I can explore my passions of psychology, philosophy and religion.
A burning platform is a gift.
The bigger the problem, the more serious the diagnosis, the greater the opportunity.
I enjoy the downtime and resting.
I enjoy having time off work.
My main goal right now is peace of mind.
I choose the thought, belief, action that is kind to myself.
I do the things that bring me peace.
I reject whatever doesn’t feel helpful.
I spend time with people I feel comfortable with.
I draw strength from my family and friends. I ask for their help in the way I need it.
If I find inner peace I can make things easier for myself, family and friends.
I enjoy spending more time with my family and closest friends.
I can be proud of how I handle this.
There is no good news or bad news, there is just news.
My family and friends will be with me when I die.
In the UK I will get plenty of meds so I don’t need to worry about being in pain.
Maybe I can be more helpful to loved ones from the other side.
What Next?
How have you changed your mind with Stoicism?
What helpful thoughts and beliefs can you identify?
What belief changes would help you feel more at peace?
Do your own research on Stoicism. Check out this resources article.
What Is Stoicism? How Can It Help Me?