Welcome to Carousel!
Here you will find mental health tools & practices that empower. A cancer diagnosis can be a traumatic experience; I know because I have been there. But a cancer experience is also a time of Herculean motivation & surprising opportunities. Maybe you are wondering, what can I do to help myself?
Packed with ancient and modern methodologies from psychology, philosophy and spirit, this site shares practical tools you can use to establish your mind as a source of refuge - no matter what the diagnosis.

How will Carousel help me?
Through blog post, video and podcast, you will find reviews of a variety of mental health techniques. This will take the form of book reviews, practices and interviews with experts. Acting as content curator, I weave in my own experience with honesty.
What topics does Carousel explore

How Can My Emotional State Help Me During Cancer?
Many of us experience trauma during our lifetime.
A bereavement, a break-up, an illness.
I was surprised by the energy that rose within as I experienced trauma.
With a cancer diagnosis
there is often a
strong will to live.
But how do we harness that energy in a helpful way?

For me, it became clear the “fight” was not the problem.
I had plenty of “fight.” What I lacked was peace.
I determined to do whatever brought me closer to peace and let go of whatever took me away from peace.
For me this meant leaving treatment discussions to the oncologists & focussing my attention on developing a peaceful inner world.
With a lifelong passion for psychology, philosophy and spirit, this mission for inner peace felt like a place I could find meaning and joy.
Maybe you will find meaning and joy in this endeavour too?

How can I help myself?
Get Honest!
A mental health journey is personal. Experience tells me you are the best person to come to your own rescue. It isnt always about staying positive. Sometimes the most positive thing to do is embrace the negative. By being honest with ourselves about the extent of our suffering, we find the courage and willingness to seek help.
How to Navigate Carousel?
Check out the featured posts on Stoic Philosophy.
Try the Guided “Letting Go” Practice to give time and love to distressing emotions.
Check out more tools in the Resource Centre.
Try the Practices!
Whether you are more inclined towards methodologies validated by science or personally observed by spiritual practitioners, is it possible to disprove methods claiming to ease emotional distress without personal application?

Philosophy Series
#1 Meet the Stoics
Discover how your mind can help when you experience a trauma.
Guided Practices
Meditation Exercises to Help You Heal Yourself

Some more info about the project
Our Current Status
We are just starting out! Please bear with us as we get more content online and figure things out.
The purpose of this site is to contribute to the discussion on mental health. If you want to share and receive information on cancer topics outside of mental health, please check out Macmillan Cancer Support.

A Bit About Me
I have spent my career building leadership capabilities for companies like Tesco, Vodafone and Google. In this capacity, I spend time learning, querying, practicing and teaching the latest thinking in management science and behaviour.
In my spare time I work with kids who have experienced trauma. And I’ve been the recipient of support from BACP accredited psychotherapists and the Samaritans over the years, where I experienced the power of compassion first hand.

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- Recieve free guide “How to Navigate Self-Help."
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- Share feedback to carouselmentalhealth@gmail.com.
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What Is Stoicism? How Can It Help Me?